The Our Minds Our Voices is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation established in the state of North Carolina. Our mission is to bring together a diverse group of women who lead by example to empower and promote wealth, opportunities, and leadership for women.​
Our mission is achieved through:
The annual “Our Mind Our Voices” Awards and Expo Event.
Social and economic vignettes for women.
Life-coaching for“Sistas of Promise”.
Advocacy against interpersonal violence.
Sistas of Promise
Sistas of Promise (SOP) an initiative under the umbrella of Our Minds Our Voices (OMOV), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization designated by the Internal Revenue Service.
OMOV and SOP are coordinated entirely by a community of women in business, education, philanthropy, activism and girls' work, who hold deep roots in women empowerment an a legacy of entreprenuership.
Help support our goal to help community!
Legacy Sponsors